There are a total of 26 Dundarave West Vancouver Houses for sale as of December 4, 2012 in Dundarave West Vancouver. There are 3 new listings for houses for sale in Dundarave West Vancouver for the period of November 27, 2012 through December 4, 2012 which is above the 2 new listings last week.
The smallest house added to the market in the past week is 2146 with 3 bedrooms and the largest is a 7391 square foot, 4 bedroom house.
They range in price from $1,663,000.00 to $11,800,000.00 with an average price of $5,614,333.33, compared to $2,994,000.00 last week and $2,502,500.00 the week prior.
Price Range of Current Dundarave West Vancouver Houses and Real Estate Sale
0 houses priced between $700,000 and $799,999
0 houses priced between $800,000 and $899,999
0 houses priced between $900,000 and $999,999
7 houses priced between $1,000,000 and $1,999,999
15 houses priced between $2,000,000 and $2,999,999
2 houses priced between $3,000,000 and $3,999,999
1 house priced between $4,000,000 and $4,999,999
0 houses priced between $5,000,000 and $5,999,999
0 houses priced between $6,000,000 and $6,999,999
0 houses priced between $7,000,000 and $7,999,999
0 houses priced between $8,000,000 and $8,999,999
0 houses priced between $9,000,000 and $9,999,999
1 house priced greater than $10,000,000
Number of Bedrooms in Current Dundarave West Vancouver Houses and Real Estate For Sale
There are 1 (1) one bedroom houses
There are 6 (3) three bedroom houses
There are 12 (4) four bedroom houses
There are 4 (5) five bedroom houses
There are 1 (6) six bedroom houses
There are 2 (7) seven bedroom houses
Month Dundarave West Vancouver Houses For Sale Were Listed
December 2011 - 1
May 2012 - 1
June 2012 - 3
July 2012 - 2
August 2012 - 3
September 2012 - 5
October 2012 - 3
November 2012 - 6
December 2012 - 2
Summary of Listings in Dundarave West Vancouver
Report Generated: Dec 4 2012 11:05A